Hit Or Miss: Bird Feeder

Livi loves all kinds of animals and gets excited whenever we come across one, whether it’s a dog on the street, a duck in the park, or a giraffe in the zoo. But she especially loves birds.

“Bird,” or her version of it, was one of her first words and her face lights up whenever she sees or hears one.

We encounter many birds on our walks and hikes but I thought, why not bring them a little closer to home without actually having to take care of a pet bird.

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Hit Or Miss: My First Crayons

I have been trying for a while now to get Livi interested in some kind of arts and crafts but up until now all I got was a cold shoulder and a loudly howled “Noooo.”

No matter what I tried, she just wasn’t interested. I suspect she didn’t want to sit still for more than three seconds.

That has changed recently. Now she is capable of sitting down for longer periods of time, especially when we read to her or look at one of her many picture books.

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Baby Sign Language

When I was pregnant with Livi, we went to a couple of childbirth and baby care classes. During one class they mentioned baby sign language. I found the idea interesting but was not convinced. They recommended to start teaching at around 6 months.

Enter Livi at 6 months old; we were still in full blown survival mode and I had more pressing issues on my mind than baby sign language.

When Livi was about 1 year old, we came across a board book called Baby Signs. I liked the idea of using a board book to teach the signs and Livi seemed interested in the pictures, so we bought it.

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Hit Or Miss: The Stacker by Green Toys

Finding toys for Livi is no easy task. She often looks excited when we show her something at the store but then could not care less once we give it to her at home.

As a high need baby, Livi is difficult to entertain, she has a hard time playing by herself, and usually does not care much for toys. But for her sake, and for our own sanity, we keep trying, always on the hunt for THE miracle toy that will keep her occupied for a few minutes.

While it is difficult to find something of interest to her, there are a few toys she likes. One of them is the Stacker by Green Toys.

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