The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I have been nominated for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award.”

Thank you so much Doodle Dad, for the nomination, I appreciate it. It is nice to think that I may actually inspire others.

The Rules::
1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the blog of the person who nominated you.
3. State seven things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 (or so) other bloggers for the award and provide links to their blogs.
5. Notify those bloggers that they have been nominated.

Seven Things About Myself::
1. I write all my posts on my iPhone since I cannot find the time to sit down with my laptop.
2. I am addicted to carrot cake but try to limit eating some to once a month.
3. I also love sweet potato fries and could eat them every day.
4. I do not care for reality shows at all.
5. I hate having my picture taken.
6. I love to people-watch and make up stories about everyone. I enjoy it so much, I wish I could make my living this way.
7. I am a Kathy Reichs fan and have read all of her books.

As always, I passed on this award to bloggers I admire and blogs I enjoy reading. If you do not care for this kind of award, please don’t feel obligated to accept it and post about it. But know that I appreciate and enjoy your posts.


Diapers and Stilettos

The Diary of a Reluctant Mother

sleeping should be easy

4 Eyed Blonde


Travel Lady with Baby

10 comments on “The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Thanks so much for the recognition!

  2. Thank you for the nomination! I am trying to think of 7 things about me…!!!! 😉

  3. Oster's Mom says:

    Congratulations! Yes, you do inspire! Thank you so much for nominating discover and devour.

    I love sweet potato fries and people watching!

  4. says:

    Thanks for the nomination. It is amazing you write all your posts on iPhone. BTW I love people watching and make up stories too. It is fun 🙂

  5. Congratulations. I concur with Doodle Dad 🙂

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